Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chapter 5.2

Katie has never been quite so busy in her entire life. Trying to raise five children (three of which are toddlers) and holding down a full time job is exhausting, but somebody's got to do it! Katie's job as a police officer may be stressful, but it's nothing compared to the job she has waiting at home for her. Teaching three toddlers their skills is nearly impossible!
It's a good thing the toddlers don't demand Dmitri and Katie's attention all day long. They're all pretty good about playing with their toys that are scattered around the house. Of course, someone needs to be close by to make sure they don't start fighting over who gets to play with what.
Ethan is too involved with his extreme video games to even notice anyone else is in the house. That is until he wakes up from one of the toddlers crying...he'll wake up from just about anything. Ethan wouldn't mind someone to play with but his parents are obviously too busy and he thinks his brother's a dweeb.
As the oldest child, Jaedon had to grow up rather quickly. He's very ambitious and takes everything very seriously. His job at the bookstore has proven to be a nice distraction from his crowded home. A teenager needs their space.
Dmitri and Katie have not been on the same sleep schedule since the triplets were born. Dmitri is usually hanging on by a thread when Katie gets home from work. He has to take a late afternoon nap to rejuvenate so Katie takes over for a few hours until he feels rested again.
Some days Dmitri is simply too tired to bother teaching the girls any of their toddler skills. Instead, they'll gather around the tv and watch whatever's on. It's amazing how quiet the house can get when they do this and everyone else is out at work or school.
This is Bobby's daughter, Quiana. Well, I'm not totally sure about that since in the family tree she's only related to Bobby's wife. I really don't like how single sims have kids. It's very annoying! Ethan looks rather bored by her though.
Oh, crap! Even with the friendly little reminders to pay their bills, the Roland's still manage to get visits from the repo man occasionally. I must not be clicking on the correct option sometimes.
The repo man was mean enough to even take the bubble bath! Seriously, is it even worth anything? After stealing the bubble bath he stole the rubber ducky from the other bath tub. Augh!
Katie is always interviewing her close relatives and co-workers to see what they know about the neighborhood crime level.

Katie: "So, did you know it's possible to get arrested for not getting married?"
Brianna: "What?"
Katie: "Alright, maybe not, but you haven't seemed the same since your dad died."
Brianna: "I'm fine, just focusing on my career for now."
Katie: "Well, don't wait too much longer to find Mr. Right. We aren't getting any younger cousin!"
Ethan really is following in his Uncle Aaron's footsteps. He doesn't love the outdoors like Aaron does but he has acquired a green thumb. He'll be taking over the family gardening from his dad going forward. I guess I didn't need to give Dmitri the gardening reward after all.
Dmitri and Katie survived the triplets toddler years and managed to teach each of them their skills. Maybe now they can snuggle together at night before closing their eyes. Valarie is good, athletic and absent minded. Her favorite color is gray.
Calista was already a bit neurotic and a genius, but now she's added evil to her list of traits. I definitely see an evil empress in our future. Her favorite color is not black though, it's actually lilac. Go figure!
Juliet is insane, artistic and brave. Her favorite color is teal. I suppose some of the best artists have had a few screws loose, so insanity could totally work for her.
Ha! Jaedon's teenage trait is never nude. I guess he's taking that very seriously. I wonder how he cleans some of those hard to reach places with his swim trunks on...
Of course, Ethan had the wish to visit the grave yard one day so I sent him. I half expected him to come out of the mausoleum looking like this but since he's a dare devil I never thought he'd have a negative moodlet from the scary event. What a wimp!
While touring the mausoleum Ethan did find a couple cool objects. One is a piece of silver and the other I believe is a moon rock. Neither is worth very many simoleans though.
The first time the triplets were allowed to leave the house without an adult was to see the Saturday afternoon show at the movies. They were all excited about it until they left the theater and it was already dark outside. Calista told her sisters they were big babies and Juliet didn't take very kindly to that. When Dmitri showed up to take them home and saw the girls arguing he wondered what kind of drama they were going to make as teenagers when boys and such were in the picture.
Ethan started showing interest in girls or perhaps aliens, I'm not entirely sure. When he met Stephanie he wasn't sure how to act so he tried to impress her with an old trick Uncle Aaron taught him.
Ethan: "Hey babe, watch this! I can eat dirt right from the ground. Cool, huh?"
Stephanie: "Oh my gosh! That's disgusting! Someone could have peed there or worse you could have ate an ant or something."
Ethan: "Bugs are high in protein."
Stephanie: "Ew!"
Just a few shorts steps away, Jaedon was playing his guitar out at the park. He was drawing quite the crowd. Several new families (that I created since the neighborhood was nearly bare) had just arrived in town and were pleasantly surprised by the musical talent Jaedon possessed. He certainly was a natural.
I seriously don't know how he did it but he managed to get the alien, I mean girl, to kiss him. I hope she made him brush his teeth first...
The Roland's have had this pool for a number of generations, but I don't believe any of the sims have ever autonomously used it until now. Valarie just loves it. When left on free will she goes straight to the pool for a swim. I wonder if her athletic trait has something to do with that. My other athletic sims have just rolled wishes to visit the community pool, but never jumped into their own.
With all the kids in school and no gardening left to do, Dmitri has taken a job in the business career. He doesn't have lots of skills but who needs them in business. You're always hearing it's not what you know but who you know and trust me it's so true!
Yeah, don't even think it. They're just finally getting reacquainted with each other. It's been a long time since they've been able to enjoy each others company.
What did I tell you? She's always in the pool. I'm glad someone's finally taking advantage of it. Pools aren't cheap!
Katie: "Brianna, I'm really worried about you. Why aren't you busy finding yourself a man?"
Brianna: "I'm not sure if you've noticed but there aren't many guys to choose from. Remember, Heidi had to settle for an adult when she was still a young adult."
Katie: "Yeah, but that's only because all the young adults in the neighborhood were good and she was evil so it could never be."
Brianna: "Eh, I like being by myself. Nobody ever bothers me. Dad was always a handful to take care of. It's finally quite around here."
Katie: "Suite yourself."
Ethan is mailing his chuck of silver into the shop to have it converted into a nice block of silver instead. It'll make a nice knick knack.
Ethan's still hanging out with his new alien friend, I mean Stephanie. She came home with him after school and Ethan thought they should be "crazy" and do their homework together on the floor. He probably just wanted to look up her dress. Pervert!
Jaedon and Juliet have bonded over their shared love of the arts. Jaedon's passion may be music while Juliet's painting but they both love creating beauty for others to enjoy. Whenever one of them is in a funk, the other one often inspires them with their own talent.
Calista made friends with Adam at school and went over to his house afterwards one day. After playing tag and doing a little gossiping they became best of friends. Juliet and Valarie never really understood their triplet while Adam seemed to totally get her.
Time passes quickly in a legacy and the triplets were already becoming teens. Leave it to Valarie to go straight to working out after the transition. I bet she's been anxious to get in a good work out since she was a toddler. She added ambitious to her list of traits.
Calista may look peaceful and serene in this picture, but don't be fooled by her demeanor, it's all part of her evil plan. She added excitable to her list of traits.
Nope, Juliet didn't add the loves the outdoors trait to her list of traits, but this is the first thing she did after the transition. I thought only sims who love the outdoors do this autonomously, then again she is a Roland so this is second nature to her. She added schmoozer as her forth trait.
Juliet may not always be totally right in the head, but she sure has a way with words. Austin was putty in her hands after only a few minutes. She didn't want to force anything so she left their encounter without so much as a hand shake. If it was meant to be they'd cross paths eventually.
As soon as Austin was gone and nobody else was in sight Juliet started talking to herself again. She had been in way too enthralling of a conversation not to continue it.
Jaedon decided it was time he made some money for his musical talents so he set up camp outside the bistro. All the patrons of the bistro that sat outside could listen to his music while they ate and hopefully, afterwards they would give him a nice big tip. His Aunt Alaina is one of his best customers.
Adam: "Hey, are you Calista's sister?"
Valarie: "Yeah, lucky me, huh?"
Adam: "What do you mean? She's like my best friend!"
Valarie: "Oh, nothing. She can be difficult to live with sometimes. Are you two a couple?"
Adam: "No, we're just friends."
Valarie: "Hmm, you're single then?
Adam: "Yes."
Valarie: "Good to know."
The entire household gathered around to celebrate Jaedon's birthday into young adulthood. Dmitri and Katie made sure to soak up the moment because it was a rare for everyone to be home at once. It wouldn't be long before their children started moving out to start families of their own and that made them a little sad.
Jaedon added inappropriate to his list of traits. His LTW is to max out the guitar and painting skills.
Valarie: "I met your friend Adam today. He's a total hottie!"
Calista: "What? Stay away from him. He's my friend."
Valarie: "But you're not dating him, right?"
Calista: "Not yet."
Valarie: "Augh! You're so evil! Just because I've shown a romantic interest in him, doesn't mean you suddenly need to like him that way."
Calista: "Who's says I wasn't already thinking about him in a romantic way."
Valarie: "If you had, he'd been your boyfriend. You always get what you want."
Calista: "Stay away from him. He's mine!"
Calista might be able to control and manipulate the sims around her, but she can't control the stove or sink. She's constantly checking to make sure the sink isn't leaking and stove isn't hot.
Valarie took a job at the spa to get away from her sister. Clearly, the girls did not get along very well. Valarie was not going down without a fight though. She wanted Adam and was going to do her best to get him.
Stephanie: "This is very nice."
Ethan: "I thought you might like it."
Stephanie: "It's a nice change from all your extreme actions. This isn't some trick, is it?"
Ethan: "Nope, not this time."
It looks like Calista got to Adam before Valarie could. Getting a kiss from Adam was a piece of cake since the two were already so close. He had no idea it was just to keep him away from her sister.
When Valarie got home from work and was about to walk in the front door, she saw Adam walking out from the back yard. She had her suspicions as to where he was coming from but she wasn't going to give up just yet. She invited him for a swim in the back yard.
After a good swim she offered Adam a massage. He gladly accepted it. Valarie was sure this was a good time to make her big move.
Sadly, Adam didn't see it that way and rejected her kiss. Valarie could have sworn she heard Calista laughing madly at this from inside the house. This was war!
Just as their children are getting older so is Dmitri. He's already acheived his LTW to raise from children from babies to adult so he can relax and enjoy his elder years with Katie. That is until grand-babies start taking over the house.
Ethan had a birthday too. He added dislikes children to his list of traits just like his Uncle Aaron had at his age. His LTW is to grow the perfect garden and this time I actually know how to acheive this.

Alright, so I'm not putting up an official poll but I would like to know who you'd like to see continue the family line. Here are your options:

Jaedon: genius, virtuoso, ambitious, never nude, inappropriate
Ethan: excitable, light sleeper, daredevil, green thumb, dislikes children
Valarie: athetic, good, ambitious,
Juliet: insane, artistic, brave, schmoozer
Calista: genius, neurotic, evil, excitable

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