Welcome back to the
Rolands. Generation four is under way but most of generation three is still living at the legacy house. Brent and Ebony have had one boy and one girl so far. Will they have any more?
Ginger and Fiona are
diligently working on completing their lifetime wish before they move out. Can they do that before becoming elders? Read on to see if any of those questions will be answered this chapter.

With the birth of Ebony's second child, Melanie, she decided to give herself a new look. She was tired of looking exactly like her mom and sister. They all had the same exact hairstyle. Boring and confusing!

Fiona has been busy upgrading everything in their home. Brent asked her to set the sprinkler to auto water for him so he didn't have to manually turn it on and off every day. Not that he really minded, but sometimes he got busy and forgot.

See what I'm talking about.
Danelle, Ebony's sister, has the same hairstyle that she used to. If they had the same body shape I'd never have been able to tell them about. Anyways, I took this slide to show you that Dexter is still alive and has tons of free time on his hands. He's probably the first Roland to see a movie at the theater. Lucky him!

Zebulon and Fiona's relationship is heating up. They're starting to have sleep overs now. He's got a beautiful home to start a family in as soon as Fiona's ready. They'll need to upgrade his
tv though. It's definitely not big enough for two couch potatoes!

Brent: "How do you feel about having another baby? Dante, here, is growing up so fast."
Ebony: "I'm not sure. Dante and Melanie are a handful."
Brent: "
C'mon. If you need extra help you can always hire a babysitter."
Ebony: "Maybe. I'll think about it."

A handful is right. Do you see how Dante's just throwing the food around? He's barely getting anything in his mouth. Seriously though, what a cutie!

Cuteness everywhere! It seems even in death,
Lyla doesn't want to be separated from Dexter. These two really did love each other unlike Eddie and Constance.

During a walk with Melanie, Brent found some seeds to plant in his garden. He's not sure what they are but he'll plant them anyways. You never know what magic lies behind each seed.

It looks like Ebony is pregnant again. I'm sure she can handle it since all she does every day is play chess. How tiring can that be? I know you need to use your brain a lot but she's a genius so that can't be too difficult.

Melanie's starting to grow up. I love the red hair. She's certainly a female version of her daddy.

Fiona's working on becoming a
renaissance woman. The three skills she's trying to max out are painting, handiness, and logic. So far she's doing pretty well. Hopefully, it won't be long before she's able to start that family with Zebulon.

Did I mention Dexter got the family a
teleportation pad? He had lots of lifetime happiness points after he topped the culinary career so I figured why not.

It sure is a pretty cool device. Ginger got to the park within seconds.
This'll be very helpful with all the campaign fundraisers she's going to have to throw to top off her political career.

See? She's definitely pregnant. It was very hard to tell in that other picture.

Dexter: "

Ginger: "As Mayor of this fine town, I could help with space travel. If that is something you'd like to see make sure to vote for me in tomorrow's election. I'll change this world, I mean town, one day at a time!"

Ginger: "Did you hear what I was just saying? I'm going to make this town better! Would you like to contribute to my campaign?"
Random Guy: "Sure, why not. You're hot! I wouldn't mind seeing you on
tv every now and then. Can I have a hug?"
Ginger: "Whatever you want."

Random Guy: "You smell so good."
Ginger: "Um, thanks. I think you're, uh, phone's digging into my hip though."

Other random dude: "That guys a total perv!"
Ginger: "I noticed, but at least he donated to my campaign."
Other random dude: "Well, I'll give you a donation, no groping attached."
Ginger: "Thanks! That's very nice of you."

Lets welcome the third and final child of generation 3. Her name is Chloe and she is brave and excitable.

It's nice that
sims and ghosts can interact now. I bet it helps Dexter to spend time with
Lyla's ghosts. Lessens the loneliness probably.

Uh-oh! It looks like it's time for Dexter to go. He lived into the nineties but didn't make it to one hundred. It's weird how some
sims live forever and others die real early.

Whoa! Look at that huge headstone. He's the first one to get it. I wonder if lifetime happiness points play a role in what size headstone a
sim gets. I know Eddie got less then 100,000
LHP and got a small headstone, Constance and
Lyla both had over 100,000
LHP and got a medium size headstone, and I know Dexter had a lot of
LHP but can't be certain it was over 200,000
LHP. I suppose it would make sense for a
sims headstone to be a certain size based on their
LHP. Anyone know for sure?

No joke, the only one who came to mourn for Dexter was
Lyla's ghost. I guess even in the afterlife
sims don't like to watch their loved one's die. Don't worry
Lyla! You two now get to spend eternity together.

Nobody may have gone to say goodbye to Dexter but they all felt his
absence. Have no fear. Brent can fix
everyone's mood with his
moodlet manager. One quick click and a
sim can be cured of their negative

Dante: "Bang! Bang! Bang! I'm a
Poor kid. He's going to have a rough life. He added the loser trait to his already grumpy and insane traits.
LOL! Fiona started a kitchen fire while trying to upgrade the stove to fire proof. She wasn't even cooking anything. The upgrade apparently just back fired on her. I guess even the most skilled handy man or woman can't get every upgrade right.

I don't care what anybody says,
sims are always at their cutest during their
toddlerhood days. They can smile, pout, cry, giggle, whatever and I'll always think their totally adorable. Chloe's the last toddler this generation so I better enjoy her while I can.

Fiona's a gigantic help with the kids this generation. If you'll recall, she's family oriented so doing anything with her family makes her very happy. Too bad most of her time is spent
skilling. She'll eventually have her own family to take care of though.

Ebony: "Just who do you think you are? My kids are confusing you as their mother."
Fiona: "I...uh...what? Why are you mad at me? I'm trying to help."
Ebony: "Well, don't. I can take care of my kids."
Fiona: "Man, I gotta get out of this place!"
Ebony: "Good bye!"

It would seem Melanie's genius trait has given her enough insight to know not to chew on the dolls head. Most of my toddlers go to town trying to chew their dolls head off, but not Melanie. She's too smart for that!

Melanie's quickly growing up. She added lucky to her genius and
athletic traits. I normally roll to see which trait of Eddie's she would inherit at this point but she wasn't taught how to talk in time. What a genius she is!

Dante: "Want to go see a movie on Saturday? I hear the movie the theater is showing is filled with blood and guts. I can't wait to see it."
Melanie: "
Ew! No thank you. I'm not sure mom and dad would let you watch it anyways."
Dante: "Mom's too self absorbed to care and dad's too busy working and gardening to even notice I'm gone. We can do pretty much whatever we want!"

"Shake that booty, turn it around (Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Back that a** up, wine go down (
Shake that booty (Hey! Hey! Hey!) turn it around
Back that a** up, wine go down"
I totally should have put him in smaller swim trucks!

So, this is not one of the tubs on the legacy lot. It's actually a tub at the art museum. Apparently, it's not just a piece of art. I thought this might be a helpful tip for any new legacy players. Keeping clean can be hard early on!

Dante was visiting a friend's house when the time came for him to become a teen. He finally got a favorable trait. The poor kid used to only be grumpy, insane and a loser, but now he's handy too. Things may turn around for him yet!

Unless I'm totally missing something, it's way harder to set up a still painting in TS3 then it was in TS2. Before I was able to pause the game and setup the picture but now that doesn't seem to work for me. Anyone else have that problem? I would have liked to keep Brent's skill meter out of the picture but since I have to press the capture button while he's moving around it gets kind of tough. Whatever, at least it's a descent picture. Thank you, Fiona!

For the longest time, Ginger never got the option to propose to her long time boyfriend, Ferby, but it's finally shown up. I'm so glad because I was starting to think she was going to have to find someone else.

Luckily, all is well between Ferby and Ginger. Once she becomes leader of the free world she will marry and move in with him and his family. I doubt they'll ever have kids though since she dislikes them, but the two of them can be happy with each other until death due them part.

Danelle, Ebony's sister, lives right across the street from Ferby. Ginger stopped by to chat her up before heading home. She needed more friends and more donations for her campagin. Too bad Danelle donated less then a grand but at least she helped add to her friend count.

Apparently, Ginger is really excited about her upcoming wedding. She'll talk to anybody who'll listen about it. Ginger has thrown many campaign fundraisers, including one at the art museum where she bathed, but this location might be crossing the line. I'm not sure if I'd want to see my city's mayor in a swimsuit. How about you? Although, Ginger's certainly cute enough to pull it off.

I have no idea how, but Ginger has over one hundred acquaintances. I'm guessing it's because most of the sims she invites to her campaign fundraisers bring other sims and because passerbys often join in the festivities since all her fundraisers take place outside of the legacy lot. Either way, that is a lot of sims to know!

Fiona painted both of these at a level nine skill level. They are definitely the best quality portraits this legacy has seen so far. I'll have to remember that for future generations. Eddie's and Constance's look terrible compared to these.

What the heck? I didn't see the pop up screen saying the bills were past due. I love that pop up by the way. I never have to send my sims to the mail box anymore. After this I did have someone check the mail one day only to find like 20 different skilling certificates. What a waste of inventory space! Hmm, maybe I can sell them for a profit...

Brent: "You may be growing up little lady, but you're never too old to be silly!"
Chloe: "Daddy, you're so goofy!"
Brent: "Want to play tag?"
Chloe: "Um, no. I don't feel very lucky today."
Brent: "Nonsense, that's just nerves."
Chloe: "I don't know, something just feels wrong."
When I rolled to see what trait Chloe would inherit of Eddie's she got commitment issues, but as a kid that option's not available yet. Instead she got unlucky.

The family had over $30,000 laying around so I had Brent buy a share of the spa business in town. Once a week he collects $2,500 and he only had to put in about $7,000 to be considered a shareholder. Not too bad if you ask me.

Ebony and Fiona still play a lot of chess together. Slowly, Ebony's moving up her chess rank. She's at level two or three now so just a couple more ranks to go before she'll become a chess master.

Did I just hear a lullaby? Shame on them. They're only engaged.
Tune in next time to see if Fiona and Ginger achieve their lifetime wishes before turning old and gray. Fiona only needs one more creativity and one more logic skill to complete hers and Ginger is only two positions away from being leader of the free world. I think there's still hope!
To answer your question about the headstones, yes the size is affected by the LTW achievement and points.
ReplyDeleteLoved the update...seems like everyone likes to shake it in the sprinkler.