Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chapter 1.1

In Chapter 1 Eddie Roland moved to Riverview. Very few sims liked him but Constance married him and found a way to deal with his poor attitude. Constance worked a little magic called woohoo to get herself pregnant. Of course, Eddie wanted nothing to do with it. He did take Constance to the hospital when Lyla was born so he must be getting used to the idea. Either that or he's not really as much of a jerk as I thought. Nah, I doubt that's it.

It was brought to my attention that I neglected to mention Constance's traits in chapter 1. My apologies. Her traits are clumsy, perfectionist, neurotic, absent minded, bookwarm. Not nearly as bad as Eddie's but none of her traits really clash with his so maybe that's why she didn't run for the hills at first glance.

"Constance, where's Lyla? Please tell me you didn't leave her alone with Eddie."
Constance: "Relax, I hired a babysitter."
"But you have no money. You're house is completely unfurnished and Lyla doesn't even have her own room. You should be saving money not wasting it on going to the library."
Constance: "The library is my sanctuary. Besides, it's my money and I can do what I want with it."
"You know better then that, don't you?"
Constance: "Yes, but I need some peace and quiet."
"So, read in your bedroom. It has all the proper furnishings."
Constance: "I just can't deal with Eddie right now. He can be so difficult."
"I understand that. Promise not to make this a habit though."
Constance: "Fine."

Remember how I mentioned sims could get arrested and spend a few hours in jail. Well, it turns out Eddie's been caught doing something bad and will be making a visit of his own there.

Eddie: "C'mon, man. I just started work. Let me finish my shift, then come back and get me."
Police man: "You are a menace to this society, Mr. Roland. If it was up to me and most of the sims in this neighborhood you would have been sent packing a long time ago.
Eddie: "What? I've only been here for like two years."
Police man: "That's how much we all dislike you. Now, shut up!"
Eddie: "You're mother looks like a llama." (this is an interaction he has for being mean spirited)
"That's enough, Eddie. Shut up and be quiet, otherwise you'll be stuck in jail forever."
Police man: "What did you just say!?!"
Eddie: "Uh, nothing."
Police: "That's what I thought."

The nice police man took Eddie down to the station and locked him up. Eddie had the option to make friends, work out and another thing but I forget what it was. They let him go less then a day later.

Eddie willingly picks up Lyla and takes care of her needs when Constance isn't around or is sleeping. Every time he does this he get a negative moodlet for 3 hours because he dislikes kids. He gets a second negative moodlet if Lyla is crying when he's in the same room as her. However, he'll roll wants to take care of her which I think is a double standard but whatever. I'm glad he helps.

I thought the sparkles were gone, but looks like they're not. Yay! There's no throwing up and spinning in the air but that's totally fine. It looks like she has her mom's hair color and possibly her eye color too. Eddie's eyes aren't so dark.

Lyla: "Ma ma."
Babysitter: "No, honey. You're ma ma's at the library. She'll be back soon."

Constance spends all her time at the library. Her lifetime want is to make $4,000 in royalty checks from selling books and the family of course, can't afford a computer so the library it is. I have agreed to let her go down there a few times a week until they can buy their own computer.

Eddie: "Freaking, stop crying! You're hurting my ears. Daddy's going to get real angry if you don't stop soon."
"Give her a snuggle and then feed her. She should be happy then."
Eddie: "Yes, boss. Whatever you say."
"It's worth a shot, right."
Eddie: "Fine."

Aw, mean old daddy sat down to play with his daughter. How sweet and totally unexpected. I promise I didn't set up this picture, but it was a must take when I saw what was going on.

Constance always looks afraid, probably because she's neurotic, but we'll blame it on Eddie's bad personality and how uncomfortable she actually is around him. I could never imagine living with someone like him. They would be the most depressing person ever!

Constance: "Vegetables, make you big and strong. Say, vegetable."
Lyla: "Yuck!"
Constance: "No, they're yummy. Lets say it slower this time. Say veg..."
Lyla: "Yu..."
Constance: "Did you're daddy teach you this?"
Lyla: "Uh-huh."
Constance: "Augh! Daddy's in trouble."
Lyla: "Trouble." *giggles*
Constance: "Oh, you like that word, huh. But, of course."

Eddie is such a totally loser. I'm always getting these pop ups while he's at work about some mistake he did and how all his co-workers think he's lame or stupid. He has now officially gone to jail three times in less then a week. I'd say that's pretty pathetic. The worse part is two of the times he was taken to jail at the beginning of his shift and his work performance suffered as a result. If he keeps getting arrested I'm not sure if he'll ever become the Ruler of Evil.

Constance was at the library one afternoon, right in the middle of writing her next book, when grimmy showed up to take one of the visitors. Everyone there gathered around to gawked at what was happening, just like in real life. I wonder how many sims actually knew this guy, but that didn't stop them from staring.

Lyla's growing up so fast. When she was born I rolled a dice to determine which trait of Eddie's she would carry on (I plan on doing this with all the kids of this legacy) and she got the mean spirited trait. I think this and the inappropriate traits are my favorite of Eddie's. They have the best social interactions and they don't really have any negative moodlets associated with them. At least none that I've noticed yet. As a child Lyla is carrying the virtuoso, slob and mean spirited traits. That's a pretty interesting combination.

After a long night of work, probably his first full shift in days since he keeps getting arrested, Eddie headed to the local pool for a late night dip.

"How's parenthood treating you, Eddie?"
Eddie: "Eh, it's alright. Lyla's okay."
"Do you want anymore?"
Eddie: "Heck no! Are you mad?"
"Just asking."

Early the next morning when Eddie arrived home Constance was there to greet him with a massage.

Eddie: "Ow, be gentle!"
Constance: "Sorry, you have quite the kink right here."
Eddie: "Just stop. You're hurting me."

Lyla: "Get a room!"
Eddie: "That's a great idea! Constance, it's been awhile. What do you say?"
Constance: *grimaces* "Sure, why not? Lyla, the school bus is outside. You better get going."

After woohoo and a quick nap, Eddie went to the stadium to fulfill an opportunity. Afterwards, he ran into a few sim outside the stadium. Of course, he started the conversation by criticizing this guys family. What a sweet heart Eddie is. Actually though, after that he was much more amicable with this guy and his family. It's like he has to get one mean interaction out of the way when he first meets other sims and then he's okay.

Constance: "Yes, it worked. What am I going to tell Eddie though?"
"Kick him out!"
Constance: "I can't do that. He's the founder of this legacy."
"I give you complete permission."
Constance: "Lets see how he takes the news. Considering all his flaw, Eddie hasn't really been bad to Lyla."
"Yeah, I suppose you're right. I will support whatever decision you make though."

How cool! Sims can play chess on the computer now. I’m so used to them only being able to play SSX or the Sims 3 on their computers…LOL! This is a nice change.

Eddie: “How could you let this happen? Again! I don’t want kids, woman!”
Constance: “Don’t you use that tone with me! I never agreed not to have kids just because you don’t like them.”
“Why don’t you say that a little louder, Constance? It’s not like Lyla isn’t in the other room and can’t hear you loud and clear.”
Constance: “Stay out of this, besides her father’s dislike for children really can’t be a surprise to her.”
Eddie: “Augh! I never should have married you. I didn’t even want to, but it was like I had no control over it.”
Constance: “Shut up, you lousy excuse for a man and listen to me. Here are how things will be from now on: you can do your own thing, whatever that means and I will raise our children. You do not have to be involved at all. As far as I’m concerned you can walk out that door and never come back!”
Eddie: “This is my house. I’m not leaving! You should feel free to though.”

The bickering continued but neither party agreed to move out.

Lyla: "Hey, dad!"
Eddie: "Leave me alone."

Lyla:  "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
Eddied: "Whoa, what was that for?"
Lyla:  "Don't know...I guess I just felt like being mean."
Eddie:  "Oh...that's my girl."

If ever I don't know where Constance is I can always find her sitting or laying around some where reading a book.  I love how her fun increases so much by just reading.  I totally remember it taking much longer in TS2.  I'm sure it wouldn't be as effective if she wasn't a bookwarm though.

When the contractions came this time Constance didn't panic.  She calmly picked up the phone and called a taxi.  Eddie was out some where but Constance decided not to call him.  It's not like he really wanted to be there for the birth anyways.  

Eddie must have figured out what had happened though because he showed up at the hospital just before little, Trevor, here was born.  Trevor was assigned the friendly trait and randomly received the artistic trait.  I will roll when he becomes a kid to see which of his daddy's traits he'll get, but I'm guessing being mean spirited won't be an option since he's friendly. 

Um, what the heck?  Why would you just leave for work with food on the stove?  Stupid sims!  And to think I thought they got smarter in TS3.  Guess not.

Luckily, Constance was there to put out the fire.  I think it was at this point I remembered to install a fire and burglar alarm.  I always forget until there's an accident.  Fortunately, this one didn't break the bank or kill any of the sims.  Phew!  Although, do we really need Eddie anymore?

I must have slacked off with the picture taking for awhile again.  Sorry, but I promise Trevor really didn't do anything too exciting as a baby.  Eating, sleeping and pooping really aren't that eventful.  He got his mommy's eyes just like Lyla did.  I can't be sure about his hair yet though.

Trevor wasn't the only one growing up.  Lyla grew up into a teen the same day her baby brother became a toddler.  This time she was randomly assigned the frugal trait.  If you have some extra cash and are willing to take a few minutes to clip coupons from the newspaper, this can be a great trait.  She gets a happy moodlet every time she uses her beloved coupons.  

Thanks to a school opportunity, Lyla is going to get a job at the local salon.  Hopefully, she can bring home some big bucks to help finish the layout of the family house.  The first floor is finally properly covered with flooring and wallpaper but the second floor just has bare walls. That doesn't even begin to cover the lack of furnishings they have though. 

Lyla does this all the time.  I think it's disgusting...especially if the plate has been sitting out for awhile and it usually has.  I can't believe even the biggest of slobs in real life would do this.  Gosh, I really hope I'm right about that assumption.

Constance:  "Don't worry, baby. Even if daddy doesn't want you, mommy always will.  You're my little boy.  I'll take care of you forever."
"What about when you die?"
Constance:  "What?  Don't scare the poor kid!"
"Actually, I think sims can actually talk to ghosts now.  I'll have to wait for Eddie and you to pass on to confirm that though."
Constance: "Um, can we talk about less morbid things?"

"Eddie, are you actually helping your son learn how to walk?"
Eddie: "Yeah, for some reason I have a wish to."
"Hmm, that's interesting."
Eddie: "No kidding!  The simplest of interactions with children put me in a worse mood."
"I know...for three whole hours!"
All that hard work with Trevor and then his late night shift in the criminal field made Eddie exhausted.  He took a few steps away from his office building before passing out cold on the grass.  At least he didn't get arrested again!
All of Lyla's former classmates seem to be growing up into young adults.  She's having a hard time finding a single teen to make her first boyfriend.  At least she should have lots of candidates for a potential spouse when she's ready.  Lets just hope they don't all find someone else they like in the mean time.

Eddie: "Woo!  It's my birthday!  I'm going to be an elder."
Lyla:  "Dad, you're such a dork!  Nobody's even here to help celebrate it.  Why are you cheering for yourself?"
Eddie:  "Because, apparently, if I don't nobody else will."
Lyla:  "Loser!"
Eddie: "Tell me something I don't already know."

Eddie and Constance transistioned about the same time.

Constance:  "Will you keep it down?  Trevor is sleeping in the next room.  It took me forever to get him down!"
Eddie: "I don't care."
Constance:  "I don't care.  Augh!  Is that all you have to say?"

Eddie: "You are such a wretched old woman!  Nobody is ever going to want you now."
Constance:  "Nobody ever wanted you, Eddie.  Not even me.  You're a sad, pathetic excuse of a man!"
Lyla: "This can't be healthy for me!"

I'm going to end it here.  Will Eddie and Constance be able to reconcile or will it end in disaster?  Who will be the heir?  Lyla or Trevor?  

I moved the simself of a friend at work and her fiance into my game. I wonder if their offspring will make it into my legacy.  Who knows?  It's entirely possible. I plan on popping into their home from time to time and checking out what they're up to.

I leave you with this picture.  Apparently, my co-workers trash is an exciting place to look for stuff!  Get a load of this guys eyes.  He's so up to no good!



    btw. it's chewy!

  2. LOL! I like Lyla too, but we must give Trevor a chance to grow up before we decide on the heir. Who will it be? I'll let the readers chose after the next chapter :)

